Are SuccessFactors native features limiting your team's productivity?

While SuccessFactors provides great benefits, employees often struggle to remember how to perform the most common tasks.

In addition, SuccessFactors is most often used in conjunction with other applications and employees find themselves lost between multiple systems with different interfaces resulting in high support requests and lower productivity.

With myMeta you can turn any HCM Cloud application into a solution tailored to your specific needs with a user experience that your people will love and finally adopt.

Simplify onboarding, hiring, approvals, and more with myMeta.

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SuccessFactors made better

You purchased Succesfactors to improve compliance and risk management, improve business process agility and process outcomes, and to create operational efficiencies, however, you are finding it a challenge to achieve these goals because the Integration between modules is not very flexible and overall the system is too heavy, vast and complex.

myMeta software is here to help. Our Digital Adoption Platform allows any software application or sets of applications to be easily adapted and adopted, simplifying and enabling business workflows to cover all your requirements, empowering each user type, and providing a truly simplified user experience.

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myMeta Benefits and Results

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myMeta for SAP SuccessFactors

See how Digital Adoption with myMeta can make the difference in your SuccessFactors projects. Both HR and users will be empowered to fully extend their utilisation of the platform, increasing their performance and achieving true success for your organization.

Successfactors customers realize significant results:

90% increase in engagement
75% reduction in support and training costs
100% use of required features
60% reduction in time to complete processes
70% increase in task completion
90% increase in data quality

Key Features

streamline and automate the onboarding process for an engaging employee end-to-end experience including payroll provisioning, benefits provisioning, provisioning application access, purchasing/shipping of equipment, training, and more.

simplify, streamline, and automate the hiring process and provide a better experience for any individual employee role, for hiring managers and for interviewers.

Streamline and automate the approval process for PTO, expenses, invoices, and documents to keep your team productive and happy as they spend less time waiting and working on tedious tasks.

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and easily increase productivity

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More ways we can help your workflow