Digital Adoption is vital for the success of any Digital Business Transformation journey
So whether you’re just starting out your brand new adoption strategy or if your business is seeking to achieve the full ROI of technology investments, you may be tempted to better understand the role of an experience-first approach.
Many online articles will tell you that you should focus on digital adoption tactics such as change management, communication and training programs, reinforcing activities, Experts, but that’s not always enough. Developing the digital skills of your Employees to cover the digital gap that prevents your Business to succeed in the digital transition is far too critical for your organization to not attain its optimal Human Experience.
In this guide, we’ll dive into some essential tips if you’re considering how to drive business results, providing a roadmap to manage and scale up your successful digital adoption strategy.
What is Digital Adoption?
As a result of Digital Transformation, organizations are implementing new software to support their operations.
While these tools are necessary, for end-users it may be perceived as an obstacle, as digital dexterity is not the same for all and so is the ability to quickly learn several new skills.
Moreover, Gartner defines digital friction as the unnecessary effort an employee has to exert to use data or technology for work, as getting engaged and fluent with these platforms is challenging, limiting the ability to realize benefits and achieve the expected ROI.
A Digital Adoption strategy is aimed at enhancing the quality and speed of software application or website adoption, enabling users to be fully independent and the enterprise to achieve ROI more quickly, as digital transformation is often one of the top priorities for businesses results. Technology has to be provided fist hand to users with a human-centric approach, and a Digital Adoption strategy overcomes any digital frictions, embedding learning in the flow of business activities to optimize outcomes and productivity, providing a better user experience.
How to start your Digital Adoption strategy
With increasing interest in the results and benefits of managing digital dexterity and overcoming digital friction, Organizations are developing best practices to develop their adoption strategy.
If you have decided to start your own digital adoption strategy, it’s important you keep the following three points in mind.
- First of all it is crucial to involve the relevant process owners from the business side, as well as the IT team
- Seek for a Digital Adoption Platform and proceed as quickly as possible with a proof of concept on a small sample size of a critical business process
- Evaluate the results: demonstrate the impact and understand the benefits for your Organization having a baseline of potential KPIs, including the evaluation of results of an experience-first approach.
Let’s deep dive into these steps.

1. Stakeholders identification
Choose your stakeholders opportunistically, starting from business-critic processes-owners impacted by high Helpdesk costs, or from HR functions, where processes are managed by phase and can be periodically planned throughout the year, which require to guarantee an optimal User Experience.
2. Choose a Digital Adoption Platform
The DAP vendor landscape is widening exponentially, as is the increased interest in it by Organizations.
Top capabilities required by a Digital Adoption Platform:
- Multi-language capabilities
- Ability to identify different user roles
- End-user functionalities
- Availability of customisations options for UX
- Security and compliance (e.g. GDPR)
- Mobile devices compatibility
- Administration functionality (low-code/no-code approach)
- Availability of reporting, analytics and data visualization options
- Vendor service, support or partnership model
- Possibility to cover different cross-industry solutions
- Pricing model (e.g. unlimited users, languages, ..)
3. How to evaluate the results of a POC
Establish a baseline for actual scenario and expected results, to demonstrate the impact and understand the benefits, with a clear projection of the most crucial KPIs for your organization.
Impacted KPIs can include (but are not limited to):
- reduced direct costs on the volume of technical support calls, lowering Help Desk costs
- reduced training costs in terms of content creation, versioning, and delivery
- reduction of time an employee has to invest to understand a new application
- increased productivity
- increased data quality
- increased users satisfaction (encouraged self-service, reduced users abandons)
Setting a clear view of the increased success and improved results that Digital Adoption can give, will most definitely ensure sponsorship from senior management, turning a successful Transformation project into a corporate-wide best practice, whereas other units and departments could very much scale up on Digital Adoption benefits and success.
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How to scale up your Digital Adoption strategy?
As you will have experienced the benefits of Digital Adoption, you may be interested in expanding your Digital Adoption strategy across the organization.
New generation of Digital Adoption Platforms allow for self-configuration, so that customers can be autonomous with their support design and management, otherwise this approach could quickly turn into a counterproductive investment. Of course, in this scenario, it will be crucial to set up an internal team to make this initiative efficient, in terms of design and building.
Becoming independent on this aspect, without the need to rely on external services, is a strategic approach to a technological layer that can make the difference for your Organization at all levels, with regards to how Digitalization projects are implemented and carried out. It is more cost-efficient, and less time-consuming. This may also include institutionalizing the governance model, improving continuously and creating awareness, including DA into change management.